The Angler Magazine

But this does not mean that they have not changed to adapt to the increased fishing pressure. From our observations, they now tend to stay further and deeper away from the fry-ball, meaning that deeper and deeper cranks have to be used to entice a strike. We used to only need to use cranks that dive to 3 metres, however it slowly changed to using 4+ metre cranks, and now sometimes even 6+metre cranks have to be used to entice a strike. The alternative is to cast sinking lures like spinnerbaits or sink- ing minnows near the fry-ball and letting it flutter to the bot- tom. Experimenting with lure sizes has also played a crucial role in getting strikes from more matured fry-balls. As the par- ents have already been caught a couple times on regular lures, upsizing the lures have proved to get strikes when the usual sized lures do not. One of the lures that the tomans here love to hit. Home Contents Subscribe Contact