The Angler Magazine

The Abu Garcia MAX4 61 also did battle and won many fishes. Amongst them are more mackerels, giant trevallies, diamond trevallies, big wahoos, etc. It fought them well and confident- ly. It also remained smooth and problem free throughout the entire two days of fishing and battling hard fighting fishes. A hard fighting wahoo defeated by the Abu Garcia MAX4 61. The smoothness of the Abu Garcia MAX4 61 is quite pro- nounced as there is no jerky feeling of the spool even on a high drag setting. The recessed reel foot made it a comfort- able reel to hold despite it being a larger reel. Anyway, to cut a long story short; before long up came a big mackerel. The Abu Garcia MAX4 61 handled it with ease and has enough speed to manage the fast swimming fish. Home Contents Subscribe Contact